The More Sources the Better:
journalist's take on Genesis

Genesis has always vexed me. I'm simply mystified that the Adam's Rib story is still dominant in Western Civilization. If someone were to actually read Genesis, he would, (necessarily) realize that the creation story is not literal, historical fact. IN FACT, there are two “creation” stories, that are NOT reconcilable factually. Presumably, the literal-minded emphasize the importance of facts as stated.

Genesis 1 conflicts with Genesis 2 re: important details, and the first story, which is rarely mentioned in Western culture, strongly suggests that man and woman were created at the same time.

It follows, logically, that at least one Genesis chapter must be false, IN A LITERAL OR FACTUAL SENSE, even if you don't bring science and evolution into the argument.

In other words, even in the Middle Ages, ecclesiastical authorities, who were familiar with Greek philosophy, should have known better than to preach the literal truth of Genesis. St. Augustine, who used Adam & Eve to explain original sin and the necessity of salvation was certainly familiar with logic and rhetoric. St. Augustine, ever the intellectual, interpreted Genesis metaphorically, but his followers interpreted his interpretation of Genesis both literally and metaphorically. [But don't get me started on the doctrine of Original Sin!!]

Full Disclosure: I've been a feminist as long as I can remember (as long as I've been a reader) and Genesis is a major, major sore point. We read as we are.

Apparently, people simply disregard Genesis 1 because it doesn't reinforce Genesis 2, and the later was more useful. [See: Cognitive Dissonance.]

But more importance, the authors of Genesis 2 are far far better writers, and, truth be told, the Greater Story lives and the lesser one dies, no matter what your political agenda. The stylistic differences of the two chapters are pronounced.

In Genesis 2, god is like man, and literally (in the story) walks among man. God has feelings, just like us! God felt sorry for Adam, who was lonely! The snake talks! Talking animals provide primal fascination to humans, going back to bed time stories. What primitive being wouldn't prefer a GOD MADE IN OUR IMAGE; how else could we figure God out, and appease him?

UPCOMING POST: Documentary Hypothesis & why the Priestly writer is TO DIE FOR/FROM

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